Messages to Garcia

I don't remember posting anything publicly. Had I told you? I did a search but got no results. If you can't Google doesn't exist, right?

So...After 60 years, I doubt I can find anyone who'll corroborate that it all was an open secret at the time. His mother's brother married my mother's sister and my father was close to the Benoit family. It's certainly something that I've related to discreet individuals over the years, but I'd be unlikely to have posted such a thing in a public forum. I'll ask Beverly Emmons and Dave Messier if they remember seeing anything. They're George Benoit's niece  and nephew. When Kenny's parents divorced, many people, including my father, felt that Jim McGuirk had muddied the waters between the two parties. An unholy mess, with the penchant for gossip in large extended families contributing to rampant rumors. Nice to know Roger considers me an "eminence grise," anyway. Damn if I'm apologizing for something I can't even prove to myself that I did.

I'll gladly apologize if I've publicly defamed Kenny, but...I will only do it by seeing the post and adding my remarks as comments. Otherwise, I'm writing him a blank check. Considering that we weren't all that friendly to begin with and neither held me in high esteem, I find it hard to imagine they'd get so bent out of shape over anything I'd have to say. Columbia isn't going to rescind Dr. Benoit's B.S. based on hearsay. But I really want to find the "post" he's citing, so I can bury the issue for good. As I said before, everyone who'd remember the rumors I'd read, except for my aunt Marilyn, and if it would help, he can feel free to ask her. But I'm not writing a blanket apology for something I might have alluded to. I'm usually careful enough to avoid libel. Meanwhile I'll continue searching.

