
Showing posts from May, 2021

Drama Redux 1951/2021

  Thank you for your reply.  Tuesday, June 1st at 11 a.m. would work for me at the  Westcott-Wilcox Home for the Elderly in Danielson. Roger On Wed, May 19, 2021 at 10:03 AM Terry A. Travers < > wrote: You and Kenny are welcome to visit with me at the Westcott-Wilcox Home for the Elderly in Danielson at a time to be determined.  959-929-8293  Regards,  Terry From: Roger Benoit < > Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2021 10:00 AM To: < > Subject: meeting with you   Terry, I believe the time has come for us to discuss our mutual concerns face-to-face.  I would be happy to meet with you, just the two of us, in Woodstock at the Vanilla Bean Cafe for a cup of coffee and an honest discussion of the matter at hand. Please forward a time and date of your pr...

Doctor Doctor give me the news

Get Outlook for Android From: Terry A. Travers <> Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2021 8:17:03 PM To: don beauchamp <> Subject: Doctor Doctor give me the news   No mail so far. If I don't him from him reasonably quickly, I'll e-mail Kenny himself and show him the letter I got. I promise you won't be mentioned. Whatever this situation is, someone has more than likely taken my saying that "it had been rumored and I personally believe it was true" to "Yes, it did happen that way." It's so long ago that I can't really remember the exact process, but it's something I think I got initially within our crowd (Buzzell, Reavey, Stebbins, Woodsie, McGrath etc.) and probably overheard corroboration within my mother's family, since there was little gossip that failed to make the cut and the brothers and sisters were always eager to find fault as we...

Apples and Bananas, for example.

Get Outlook for Android From: Roger Benoit <> Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2021 10:00:59 AM To: <> Subject: meeting with you   Terry, I believe the time has come for us to discuss our mutual concerns face-to-face.  I would be happy to meet with you, just the two of us, in Woodstock at the Vanilla Bean Cafe for a cup of coffee and an honest discussion of the matter at hand. Please forward a time and date of your preference.  Unfortunately, I will be away until June 1st. Roger

Messages to Garcia

1. I don't remember posting anything publicly. Had I told you? I did a search but got no results. If you can't Google doesn't exist, right? 2. So...After 60 years, I doubt I can find anyone who'll corroborate that it all was an open secret at the time. His mother's brother married my mother's sister and my father was close to the Benoit family. It's certainly something that I've related to discreet individuals over the years, but I'd be unlikely to have posted such a thing in a public forum. I'll ask Beverly Emmons and Dave Messier if they remember seeing anything. They're George Benoit's niece  and nephew. When Kenny's parents divorced, many people, including my father, felt that Jim McGuirk had muddied the waters between the two parties. An unholy mess, with the penchant for gossip in large extended families contributing to rampant rumors. Nice to know Roger considers me an "eminence grise," anyway. Damn if I'm...